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News & Events

Find out more about news and events that we are attending and hosting!

Article in Bootshandel Skipper - 07.04.24

The magazine Bootshandel Skipper has published an article about our entry in the boats market. Click here to buy the magazine!


Article on Watersport TV Online - 07.04.24

The online center Watersport TV has published an article about our visit to the Motorbootsneek. Click here to read the full article!

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Our conclusion for the Motorbootsneek - 10.04.24

We had a great first show at the Motorbootsneek and were welcomed with open arms by the team from Brandsma Jachten, where our stand was located, and received great support. We were able to gain a lot of impressions and opinions from visitors and had some great conversations. Click here for more details!

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Newspaper article in the Aachener Nachrichten - 16.03.24

We were lucky enough to conduct an interview with the Aachener nachrichten. This can be found in the local edition of the Heinsberger and Geilenkirchener Zeitung from the 16.03.24, as well as online on the Aachener Nachrichten website. Click here to read the full article online!


Attending Motorbootsneek in April - 26.02.24

We will attend our first trade fair this year at the Motorbootsneek from the 05.04 - 07.04.24. Click here for more information!


 CATAIRAN a brand of tiefdunklesweiss GmbH


Wurmbenden 14                                     HRB 19772
D - 52531 Übach-Palenberg                   Amtsgericht Aachen
Nordrhein-Westfalen                              USt-IdNr. DE300520223


Telefon +49 (0) 2451 / 91 57 081


©2023 von CATAIRAN. 

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